Saturday, July 24, 2010

Elena just said, "Arden! Again, it's Doobee doobee doo WAH!!" in that corrective tone she loves to use with her. I have no idea what sparked the discussoon, but of all things to raise your voice about, scatting is one I would least expect.
One for the blog. E told A she was cute and her reply was " you should have seen me when I was a baby. I was even cuter than this"

Monday, January 25, 2010

You Better Watch Out...!!

In preparation for Christmas 2009, we made sure the kids knew they should be good, because Santa Claus was coming. As the discussion went on, Elena said, "Yeah, you better be good! Otherwise, Santa will probably SNEEZE in your stocking!!" Frankly, I think I'd rather have coal, than reach in and feel something slimy!!