Monday, January 12, 2009


My kids, bold and precocious both, have been slaying us with their zingers since before I can remember. Since my memory isn't good enough to do them justice, I decided to start a blog, to share with the rest of you the creative and spontaneous words & phrases that our kids are delivering on a regular basis. Enjoy!!

Oh, and feel free to share your kids' sayings in the comments!

1) Summer 2008. Arden, just before she turned 3 this year, was playing with a stuffed animal horse. The horse had come with a hairbrush and other accessories, and has been a nearly permanent attachment to Arden ever since she got it. As she brushed the mane one day, she talked about what she was doing...

"I'm brushing my horsey's hair. My horsey is fluffy. I'm fluffing my horsey, Daddy..."

And then the moment that would make any father wish for a Flux Capacitor:

"I'm a really good Fluffer, Daddy!"

2) Fall 2008. Arden and Elena are standing in the bathroom after a long day, brushing their teeth. Arden declares she's done (after about 10 seconds and maybe 3 teeth brushed). I ask her, using goofy faces and silly voices, if she has gotten all of her teeth. Usually, they'll both crack up instantly at such folly, but this time, NO REACTION.

I said, "geez, this is a tough audience tonight," to which Elena (6 years old) responds, "Trust me, Daddy, we're laughing on the inside."

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